Well I decided to get off my duff and
do this page since people are asking me this stuff. I'll display
the question and my response and even show what I do to make this silly
strip! (coming soon) If you come up with a question about the strip
that isn't covered here, then feel free to
me with your question! Oh, and the newest questions will always be on top!
Q: What
process do you go through to draw Life at Bayside and put it on the web?
1: is to think about what I'm going to put down on paper. Many artists
will do rough sketches of what they want to eventually do. I do that most
of the time. Sometimes I can, during long drives to and from work, flesh
out in my mind what I'll do and then I can sit down and draw.
2: is to draw the frames for the strip. I take a sheet of 11"x14"
series Strathmore Smooth Bristol and cut it into 2 sheets of 5.5"x14" strips,
each one representing a strip.
3: is to tape a strip to my adjustable drawing table and use my tri-square
to draw the squares that'll be my frames. I usually use a 4-frame
format. They are 4 inches high and each one is just over 3 inches
wide for a total of 12.5 inches.

4: is to freehand sketch the comic. For the lettering and the actual images
I use a Berol verythin non-photoblue 761 1/2 pencil (phew!). Non-photo
blue won't show up on copies or scanners (unless you really fiddle with
the scanner's settings).
5: is to ink in the lines that I've sketched. I've settled in on Pigma
Micron markers such as the one below.

I work with widths varying
from .08 mm down to .02 mm for cross hatching and edge shading.
Step 6: is to scan the image.
I have a Microtek scanner and I scan the strip as line art at 300 dpi and
save it as a TIFF file.
Step 7: is to open the image
into Adobe Photoshop, where I convert it to RGB color and adjust the contrast/brightness
At this point it looks like the image below.

Then I add border lines,
color, and other effects before resizing the image to 250x720 pixels, the
width of which fits nicely on a screen set to 800x600 resolution. I convert
the file to indexed color so I can play with the quality of the image (so
it isn't huge in terms of file size) before saving it as a .gif or .png file. The
final product appears below.

Step 8: Upload the image
to my site, and walla!
Q: I've
noticed that other artists have some kind of award they give to comic strips
they like. Why don't you?
be honest I don't like to show favoritism. If I like one comic more than
another then I'll go read it and email the author with my praise or comments.
I guess it's the fairness in me. If you see a link to another site
on my links page, you can bet it's because I like what the author is doing.
For me to publicly tout one strip over another may give the other artists
the feeling I don't like theirs as much. Of course I enjoy some strips
more than others, I wouldn't be human if I didn't have preferences. I just
like to keep things equal in the public's eye as a matter of etiquette.
Q: Where
did you come up with the idea for a strip?
A: I'd been doodling
since I was about 7 or 8 years old and I produced some fairly large and
complicated drawings, usually of dinosaurs and space ships and such. Sometime
in middle school, when I was at the height of my comic book collecting
glory, I decided to make a character called Winchester J. Dickerson III,
the Deflexor (don't ask). I filled nearly 3 drawing tablets with paneled,
comic book-type adventures for this scientist with the mystic battle armor.
Years later, I worked at
an emissions testing facility (of all places) where I had plenty of time
on my hands. I drew comics on the daily reports and everyone liked
them. I made fun of the poor guy next door in the "Bucky the Bear"
costume who had to wave at passing motorists in front of the Village Inn
every Sunday while sweating his buns off.
I eventually went to college
and found that the comics at the University of New Mexico were pretty luke
warm. I decided it was worth a shot. To be honest I can't remember
exactly how I settled on "Bayside" as a name for a fictitious town.
I only knew that I wanted it to be a small hick town (rednecks are just
too hilarious not to make fun of) somewhere on the beach. So I suppose
Bayside, by the bay ... sounded good.
Bloom County is my primary
role model strip, and I'm sure it shows with the idea of a boarding house
and such. But I put my own spin on it with the residents being college
students with the history of the house being owned by a wealthy family
who passed on through history.
Q: Where
did you come up with the ideas for the characters?
Bob was my very first actual character and I can't exactly say how I came
up with him. I'm anything but a punker and don't have any particular use
for them. I suppose I figured that since I was drawing a strip set in a
college atmosphere that the audience might need that kind of shocking character.
He still remains one of my favorites.
is pretty much a direct reflection of my own personality -- smart ass,
biting humor and sometimes too opinionated for his own good. I decided
to make him pipsqueakish, since usually the small ones are annoying (at
least in my experience). I myself am 6'2 350lbs so the previous theory
can be tossed back in my face ;)
was easy. I met her in my journalism class and fell for her right off the
bat. She was cute, young, a little naiive, definitely sweet, but
(once when I pushed her too far by insisting on paying for a movie) with
the ability to display a nice little temper.
is another facet of my own personality. He's big and a bit standoffish
until he gets to know someone and then he can be a bit like Milton.
And he has way too much love for food.
is a direct result of my realization that a great many successful strips
out there have a talking animal of some sort (e.g. opus) and I felt the
need to have one. I decided I wanted to be different, as most artists
do, so I decided on a beer-drinking badger. No one that I knew of had a
badger out there.
came from a woman I met only once. I worked as computer lab assistant at
the university and through a mailing list for the employees we locked horns
over a purely miniscule matter. We eventually smoothed things out
but she did make an impression on me. Rhonda was certainly a "butch" woman,
very tomboyish and very in-your-face, just like the character.
obviously tells people out there that I am a fan of the Star Trek series.
To call me a "Trekki" would be wrong, because I'm not THAT zealous about
the show. Spock, with his proposed lack of emotion, usually makes a great
straight man and also allows me to indulge in poking fun at the series
that people enjoy so much.
is a character somewhat like Barney in the sense that I needed to fill
a slot. Life at Bayside didn't have a minority character and a few of my
readers at the University pointed this out. I honestly hadn't thought of
it but quickly held a contest in the school paper and the winner was someone
who suggested a regge-loving black man named Jon Irie (perfect).
The student won 10 bucks worth of "whopper cash" for his efforts.
represents every beer guzzling athlete I ever rubbed elbows with at the
University of New Mexico. Many (at least the ones I dealt with) didn't
have much of a clue about anything other than playing ball and getting
drunk on the weekends or any other day they could find beer.
strip seems to contain a lot of gags. Do you plan to develop characters
I've wanted to try and develop each character more so I can let the readers
identify with each one's personality. I'm a stand up comedian at heart
and I love a good witty comeback or one liner. But at the same time I have
to remember that the truly successful strips out there online or in the
papers have very well-defined characters. Now I won't get into character
development so much that Bayside begins looking like "Friends" or a soap
opera, but they will be more defined.
try syndication?
and like hundreds each year I got shot down. Those turkeys heh. I used to
have 3 or 4 reject letters but lost them somewhere.
is the sky blue?
you have somewhere to go?
More coming soon!
